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Other Polymers

In the world of science and invention, polymers occupy a significant role due to their diverse applications. This is especially true when dealing with materials that require adhesion. For these, specific types of polymers called primers and adhesion promoters are used to augment the bonding effectiveness. Alfa Chemistry specializes in the development and application of primers and adhesion promoters applications, and also has many years of experience in polymer materials research and development. In addition to chlorinated and non-chlorinated polyolefin, we also provide many polymers contained carboxylic acid, epoxy, maleic anhydride or other chemical groups such as acrylic, alkyd, epoxy and polyurethane polymers that can be used as primers and adhesion promoters. Alfa Chemistry is willing to contribute to the development of primers and adhesion promoters industry through its own efforts and with many customers. Please click on the links below to learn more about our primers and adhesion promoters products and to learn about their types and specific uses to choose the suitable product.

Light Stabilizers

Modified Epoxy Prepolymer

The series of products is a prepolymer system based on a combination of epoxy resins, fatty acids and (methyl) acrylates, and can be used as additives giving excellent adhesion and corrosion protection in systems like water-based direct-to-metal (DTM), solvent-based DTM systems, high solid/solvent-free systems cured by peroxide or driers, solvent-free UV-curable DTM systems.

Light Stabilizers


This series of products includes a wide variety of acrylate oligomers. These oligomers have been custom-designed to provide excellent adhesion properties and a wide range of mechanical properties to meet different application requirements. Oligomers used as primes and adhesion promoters include polyether urethane acrylate oligomers,polyether urethane methacrylate oligomers,polyester urethane acrylate oligomers and polyester urethane methacrylate oligomers. Please click the links below for detailed product information.

Industrial Engineering